Sunday, June 08, 2014

Science World escapades

As a scientist, I love Science World (, so when the new exhibit Science of Sports started, I was eager to go.  I went with a family crowd.  I was wondering what my toddler nephews would be interested in.

Of course, they were amazed by the huge ball maze machine in front of the entrance, as even adults are.  Then they were onto interactive things in Ken Spencer Outdoor Park.

One nephew started biking on the machine where you use your pedal power in the installation to lift 25 golf balls into a bin, which then would release them to drop and make music.  Of course he lost interest before getting 25 balls in, and even I wasn't pedaling fast enough to fill the bin before he left!

They also loved the transit installation where there were steering wheels that moved a different level of transit within it.  They could see that whatever direction they turned the wheel moved the skytrain level, or the bus level, or cyclists.

Then they moved onto the installation with water and you know how boys are, they love to get wet!  Anyways, I was so happy to see that they loved the interactive exhibits.  I don't know how much they're learning at age 3, but I know they're having fun and so am I.

Science of Sports was full of assessments

Event Date: Jun 1, 2014

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