Monday, November 24, 2008

final glass projects

Project # 4 Powder Wafer tile
1st step involves cutting an image out of paper (to make a stencil)
2nd step involves using fine glass powder to fill in the stencil on the shelf in the kiln; cover portions of the tile and use different colours to layer the image, fire - this produces the powder wafer image - very fragile when it comes out of the kiln
3rd step involves putting this wafer on top of 2 pieces of glass, fire
4th step involves finishing the edges and slumping if desired

Project # 5 Totem Pole Bar Pattern Tile
Step 1: cut strips of glass to match each other, can include flat strips and round rods
Step 2: place in the kiln in a pattern with the edges fixes; can line the pieces edge to edge, or angled, or on top of one another, fire - this creates the beginning of your totem pole pattern
Step 3: use a tile saw to cut the tile across the cross section
Step 4: flip 2 strips open faced to get "bookends" which form the totem pole pattern in your finished product
Step 5: add glass borders in a complementary colour and a clear glass base to cover the entire size of the totem pole pattern with border (like a frame); lay the "good side" down (on to the base as this is the presentation side); fire
Step 6: finish the edges, fire polish with the base side up

Project # 6 Double Irid tile

1st step involves picking out 2 pieces of iridescent glass

and placing a piece of resist (plastic) on top of the each irid surfaces

2nd step involves cutting out a design from the 2 pieces of resist on the 2 pieces of glass - spatial competence is required to make a complementary pattern

3rd step involves removing the cut portions from the resist and sandblasting the irid from the surfaces

4th step involves firing with the irid surfaces in between (facing each other)

5th step involves finishing the edges and slumping if desired