Friday, April 16, 2010

Hong Kong summary

Not many internet cafes here, and I really didn't have much time to write anyways, as my days were long, trying to get it all in in 3.5 days! Good thing I'm staying with my friend W and have some more friends here to tell me where to go, show me around, and speak better Chinese than me.

The first day was full of temples. I wanted to get my fortune by shaking out a numbered stick from a tube. It was 93. This year was bad for me, the music is harsh, clashing and evil sounding. My business will not make a profit, and it's not a good year to get married. I should buy a complementary Chinese horoscope sign to wear, to offset this. We also went to another temple to change my fortune by paying money and spinning a pinwheel. How superstitious is that, eh?

I met with my colleagues who were also visiting, and we went to see the Peak. It is up a funicular on Hong Kong Island. Would've have been a great view except for the major smog from pollution. The pollution index is 61! A good number is 20-30.

At night, we went to see the laser light show along the waterfront. It was a bunch off lasers reflected off the tall buildings and some buildings have their own light displays as well. Along the sidewalk, was the Avenue of stars. We found Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Bruce Lee.

The second day, we went to Ocean Park, Hong Kong's adventure land with animals, rides and games. We saw the pandas and all the marine life. It was a great aquarium with 4 levels of pools where all the fish swim together. The jelly fish display was fantastic too! Definitely the highlight. We took in a roller coaster and a couple more rides, but I think I got heatstroke again as I was feeling dizzy after a ride or 2 going in circles, which is not normal for me. I had to skip the rest, too bad, as there was a hellevator type tide I wanted to go on! We didn't make it up the hot air balloon either, as it was too windy when we decided to go.

We went shopping at many places. There are so many malls and outdoor markets here, it's crazy! You can find high end stuff, knock offs, knick knacks, souvenirs, jade and even animals for sale. There are also fortune tellers and we went to see another one. I was told my eyes leak out money, that I should get glasses. I haven't worn glasses since grade 6! And I don't think glasses are that attractive on me. I was told that life will be difficult for me until I get married, but I will not get divorced. I have high expectations and I split with my love in my 20s. I'm stubborn, even upsetting my parents, but have gotten a little better over the years. I should bring back any photo of a guy I'm interested in, and the fortune teller will tell me if he will be my husband. How intriguing is that?!

Day 3 was out to the country side, near China, where my friend W brought me to Sai Keung to see the fishing boats. We also went by a former refugee camp which is now a golf country club.

The next day, I had to leave! Got to have a lunch with a friend's sister who moved here almost 10 years ago. Been so long,and people still look the same.

I was pooped and couldn't wait to get home. This is the first trip where I felt homesick. I missed my large spacious condo, the more moderate temperature (15C vs. 35C), the amount of public space, the car I drive, the cleanliness of the bathrooms (in Asia, I have to bring toilet paper every time).

I really like their efficient transit system though. I didn't get a chance to experience the night life or see Big Buddha, but I guess I have to save something for next time!


Anonymous said...

"Life will be difficult until you married"?? I can tell you that life is 100X more difficult when you are married!! Enjoy your singlehood - you are free to do anything without having to consider a partner. Believe it or not, sometimes I really miss being single.

Buddha Boy said...

Would you like a reading from my mother-in-law? she does readings and will be in vancouver in, it's free

nance6 said...

Hi Buddha Boy. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm gonna stay away from "knowing" the future. It seemed fun, but in hindsight, I really don't want to know.